From designing buildings and deciphering how people would interact with different created environments, right down to the tiny details like logos on a letter, utilising the skills I’ve learnt to create a world and visually tell stories excites me.
Through my work one thing I always stress is logic. Whether it’s doing primary research for the design of a building, discussing the style and colour pallet of set dressing with other departments or taking lighting and cameras into account when designing sets, there is always logic and research to support my creative decisions.
I love the creative problem solving of the process and the magic of creating spaces that speak to both the characterisation of individual characters and the wider created world.

Prop Weapons
Work experience:
Searching For Lily (Short Film) -Blue Moon Productions
BAD NEWZ (Music Video) – LostBoy
FIX (Music Video) – LostBoy
SELFISH (Music Video) – LostBoy
Conwy6 (Student Film)
Alba & Faith (Student Film)
Thank you!