As an individual who maintains a keen, positive attitude to both team and individual tasks, I work quickly and efficiently with the ability to prioritise workloads to ensure achievement of deadlines. I pride myself on impeccable communication skills, my ability to learn quickly, being self-motivated and reliable.
Personally, I thrive when given a long ‘to do list’ and enjoy being helpful in any way possible. The course has provided me with useful skills in many areas of the Art Department, but it was through buying for our short films and work experience shadowing BBC Casualty’s Props Buyer that I discovered my interest in props, with aspirations to one day become a Props Buyer myself.

Paid Work
IRIS Prize LGBTQ+ Film Festival
Buyer and coordinator
Buyer and coordinator
Work Experience
BBC, Roath Lock Cardiff
Shadowing Cath Hustband Props Buyer
“Think Twice” (2019)
USW Graduate Film
Co-Art Director and Buyer
USW Graduate Film
Co-Art Director and Buyer
“The Last Days” (2018)
USW Graduate Film
Co-Art Director and Buyer
USW Graduate Film
Co-Art Director and Buyer
Thank you!