Ready and prepared to begin a career within the Art Department. A visit, aged 13, to the Making of Harry Potter Studio Tour initiated my journey. Fascinated by the drawings, the props, set design and concept art, I became inspired by Stuart Craig’s imagination and his eye for detail. Over three years of study I have developed a toolbox of skills to realise my imagination by creating designs that can come alive on screen. Conscientious, motivated and versatile as demonstrated by my proficient piano playing, being an experienced performer earning acting awards and working in a team as county hockey goalkeeper.

Work experience:
The hire house (prop warehouse paid part-time job)
The hire house (prop warehouse paid part-time job)
Student Films:
Detachment (Dec 2020-Feb 2021)
Mislead (Sep-Nov 2020)
Sin of the faithful (Dec 2019)
Detachment (Dec 2020-Feb 2021)
Mislead (Sep-Nov 2020)
Sin of the faithful (Dec 2019)
Thank you!