I have always had an interest in film, but it took me a long time to understand why. What fascinates me about the film is the ability to create a world out of a thought in your head. Which is why I love set design, there are so many different paths to take and opportunities to be had. As much as I enjoy working on set and have had experience on set in both a student and professional capacity, my interest primarily lies in preproduction. Draughting and graphics is my specific area of interest, enjoying the raw creative challenge of designing a set from scratch or designing graphics that help define the tone of the film.

- Production name: BLOODSHORE (Interactive film) Company: Way Out Pictures
- art department assistant
September 2020- October 2020
- Production name: BLOODSHORE (Interactive film) Company: Way Out Pictures
- art department assistant
September 2020- October 2020
-production name: PRIZEFIGHTER (film) Company: Camelot films/ Hardman pictures
- Preproduction art department trainee
April 10 2021- April 30 2021
- Preproduction art department trainee
April 10 2021- April 30 2021
-Production: ‘Drive’ (Short film) Company: Its My Shout
- general art department
May 2021- July 2021
- general art department
May 2021- July 2021
- BLOODS (TV Series s2) Company: Sky
- Graphics assistant
September 2021- October 2021
- Graphics assistant
September 2021- October 2021
Legion (2021)
Sheeple (2021)
Legion (2021)
Sheeple (2021)
Thank you!